Rabu, 28 Desember 2016

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust ( Holohoax )

ini gan foto fotonya kebohongan tentang holocaust ( Holohoax ), foto foto yang dikira sebagai bukti bahwa holocaust itu nyata gan, alias peristiwa tewasnya 6.000.000 yahudi oleh tentara Nazi german pada WW2.


Quote:Foto palsu yang dianggap bukti holocaust
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Asli
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )


Quote:Foto palsu yang dianggap bukti holocaust
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Asli
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )


Quote:Foto palsu yang dianggap bukti holocaust
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Asli
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )


Quote:Foto palsu yang dianggap bukti holocaust
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Asli
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )


Quote:Foto palsu yang dianggap bukti holocaust
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Asli
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )
Quote:Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )


foto foto diatas sumbernya di video youtube ini gan

dan ini gan komentar para youtubers mengenai bukti dari video diatas

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:dan ini gan foto foto lainnya yg dianggap sebagai korban holocaust, padahal ini adalah foto foto mayat yang mati karena penyakit tipes gan, bukan karna mati di gas oleh tentara nazi ( holocaust )


Quote:Photographs of dead bodies in mass graves are NOT proof of the "Holocaust" or any mass murder - Typhus deaths at Bergen-Belsen

These are, indeed, inmates at who died at a Nazi concentration camp

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

But are photographs like this "proof" of the alleged "Holocaust"?

A couple questions any rational human should ask themselves

When presented a picture such as this in the context of the alleged "Holocaust" being true, it is easy on an emotional level to accept this as "undeniable proof" of a German plan for mass genocide. But not so fast. Let's stop an use our intellect and reason for a minute.

Question number one: how did these people die? Was it murder? Or could it have been something else, such as an outbreak of disease? Question number two: who exactly are the people who died? Are they really all jewish, as the Holyhoax propagandists would have us believe? Or could they actually be non-Jewish -- such as German political prisoners, Soviet POWs, or those of other nationalities including Poles, Czechs, or gypsies? Or a mix of jews and non-jews?

Quote: Nazi camp workers stand amongst corpses at a mass grave at Bergen-Belsen [2]
Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )
If Nazis are in the pit, who is that standing at the top with guns?

Quote: Surely, that is an evil Nazi pushing these corpses into a mass grave, right?

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

No. It is a British soldier on the bulldozer, after the "liberation" of the Bergen-Belsen camp on April 19, 1945

These inmates died of disease, not mass murder

These photographs were taken at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. This was a camp located in the northern part of Germany, and mainly used as a camp to house prisoners of war (POWs). Jews were only a small minority among the inmates at Bergen-Belsen, which included Czechs, Poles, Germans, Roma, gypsies, Belgian and French POWs, and a large number of Soviet POWs. Today it is acknowledged even by proponents of the orthodox "Holocaust" story that there were no homicidal gas chambers nor any mass murder conducted at the Bergen-Belsen camp.

The reason for mass deaths at Bergen-Belsen were outbreaks of disease (including typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and dysentery) at the camp in the last few months of the war. Right before the end of the war, tens of thousands of inmates from camps in the east had been evacuated to Bergen-Belsen, overcrowding the camp. Conditions inside Germany were horrendous as Germany was being invaded from the East and West by the Allies. Germany was largely destroyed by a mass bombing campaign, with infrastructure and railway and other supply lines significantly disabled. In this environment, it was difficult to supply the camps (and free German civilians) with food, medical supplies, and other goods. As a result, many of the inmates died from disease in the final two months of the war.
A British Army chaplain says a few words over a mass grave at Bergen-Belsen [4]

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Victims of typhus and other diseases, not any gassings
The Germans showed far more respect for camp inmates who died than the Allies
The Germans buried inmates who died at Bergen-Belsen at a cemetery located on the camp grounds. The British Army, however, showed little respect for these victims and pushed their corpses with bulldozers like trash in a landfill into mass grave pits. [5]

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Gruesome, but not mass murder

The British Army forces German soldiers and guards at the Bergen-Belsen camp to drag the dead bodies of inmates into mass graves. [6]

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Victims of typhus and other disease, not gassings

British soldiers supervise German SS women, being forced to dump bodies of dead inmates into a mass grave. [7]

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Deaths attributable to the conditions caused by the Allied bombing and destruction of Germany, not any intentional mass murder by the Germans

Female and male SS guards at Bergen-Belsen unloading dead bodies of inmates for burial in mass graves. [8]

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:A memorial for the dead

A monument to one of the many mass graves located at Bergen-Belsen today. In German, it says "Here lies 5,000 dead - April 1945"

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:Jadi intinya adalah pemenanglah yang menulis sejarah ( amerika dan russia ). jadi hitler-lah orang pertama yg melawan sistem perbankan ala rothschild, yg membuat jerman bangkit dari keterpurukan dari perjanjian versailes di PD 1 gan, makanya jerman dihancurkan gan karna pihak barat takut negara lain mengikuti jejak hitler dengan cara fitnah atas tragedi holocaust gan ( holohoax )

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

dan tehnik sotoshop pada saat itu namanya Photo Fakery gan

contoh tehnik sotosop pke photo fakery :http://spie.org/newsroom/photo-fakery

begini gan tehniknya

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

dan hasil dari tehnik photo fakery

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

foto dinasaurus yg masih ada di bumi yg dianggap hoax

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

foto peri yg dulu dianggap nyata ternyata di duga hoax

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

karena holocaust itu hoax alias holohoax maka terciptalah meme jaman dahulu kaya begini gan

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:kalo kaskuser di mari masih ngotot juga bahwa nazi emang bener ngebantai orang2 yahudi yg totalnya 6.000.000 jiwa
gw tantang lo buka situs independent yg kaga ada campur tangan yahudi di


tuh situs make bahasa inggris gan, gw yakin pasti ada anak2 kaskuser dimari yg bisa basa inggris
makanya jgn asal bacot, klo gak diselidiki dulu beritanya tentang peristiwa holocaust gan

Quote:buat agan agan yg mengira bahwa hitler itu kejam gan, agan salah, hitler itu orangnya baik gan
makanya agan buka dimari


nanti agan akan tau, kenapa sampe sekarang orang fanatik sekali sama hitler, karna hitler itu orang baik gan

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:dan begitu juga dengan michael jackson yang mengidolakan hitler gan


Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )

Quote:dan buat agan yg sampai ini masih percaya bahwa hitler beserta nazi adalah pembasmi ras lain ( non arya ), ingat gan, itu semua adalah propaganda bagi pemenang perang gan ( amerika = yahudi ) agar orang2 dimasa depan tidak tau perjuangan hitler yg mengentaskan sistem perbankan ala rothschild ( sistem keuangan negara yg jauh dari tangan antek asing dan yg anti untuk bayar hutang luar negri gan), sistem keuangan di indonesia termasuk sistem rothschild gan, karena itulah indonesia menjadi negara miskin / susah maju gan, karena kekayaan negaranya harus dibayar kepada hutang luar negri, karna pada waktu dulu hitler berhasil menghapus sistem rothschild di negaranya, karena itulah german yg tadinya negara hampir bangkrut karna pd1 tuh bangkit menjadi negara yg besar, dimasa hitler, tak satupun rakyat german mengalami kelaparan gan.

Foto Foto Tentang Kebohongan Peristiwa Holocaust (  Holohoax )


Sumber :http://m.kaskus.co.id/thread/574afa35582b2e92738b4569/foto-foto-tentang-kebohongan-peristiwa-holocaust--holohoax/?ref=threadlist-21&med=top_thread

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